Meditronics Healthcare


Our Services consists of conducting Sleep Study (PSG), provide Oxygen Concentrators as well as sleep therapy devices such as CPAP, BiPAP, AVAP on rental and we do sell these devices as well.  Face mask (Nasal Mask, Full Face Mask and Pillow Mask) and Nasal Canula from reputed manufacturers are also available for sale.

To any of these services, you may reach us on +91 63096 57730 (or) 93934 50077

Sleep Study (Polysomnography - PSG)

A sleep study (polysomnography - PSG) is a diagnostic test which involves sensors to transmit data electronically and record specific physical activities of multiple body systems while asleep. The recordings are analyzed by a qualified sleep specialist to determine whether or not you have sleep apnea or another type of sleep disorder.

The transmitted data during sleep study is thoroughly inspected and analyzed by the expert prior to generating report.  It will be reviewed by the referred Doctor to identify whether the patient is suffering from sleep apnea or other type of sleep disorder.  In lieu to the diagnosis, relevant treatment will be prescribed.

Left picture shows how the device is connected for sleep study, middle is the graph reviewed to analyze the transmitted data and the last picture is of the report generated upon completing the analysis.   These services are done by our expert team.

You may also dial 95735 36552 / 93965 03143
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