prismaSMARTplus CPAP/APAP Therapy Device

With prismaSMARTplus, LMT offer modern, reliable CPAP and APAP therapy featuring integrated connectivity, precise event detection and a high level of patient comfort. The plus stands for integrated Bluetooth for data transmission to the prisma APP and thus for modern patient self-management.
Manufacturer : Löwenstein Medical Technology
Country Origin : Germany
To rent or purchase, please dial +91 63096 57730 (or) 93934 50077
The most important features at a glance:
- Two dynamic options for pressure adjustment in APAP mode
- Deep sleep indicator prisma RECOVER for evaluation of sleep quality
- Several convenience functions such as autoSTART, softSTART, pressure relief softPAP
- Detection of periodic breathing, RERA, snoring, hypopnea, apnea and flow limitations
- Reliable differentiation of obstructive apnea from central apnea, thanks to FOT (Forced Osciallatory Technique)
- Extensive range of prisma accessories
- Diverse interfaces (SD, PSG, LAN)
- Unheard-of silence
Technical data:
- Temperature range
- Operation : +5 °C to +40 °C
- Storage : -25 °C to +70 °C
- Air pressure range : 700 – 1060 hPa
- Electrical output : max. 40 VA
- System interface : 24 V DC max. 5 VA
- Power consumption at 240V
- Operation (therapy) : 0.16A
- Standby : 0.035A
- Mean sound pressure level about 26 dB(A) at 10 hPa
- CPAP operating pressure range : 4 to 20hPa
- softSTART adjsutable : 5 to 45 min
Additional Information:
- Dimensions (W x H x D) : 170 x 135 x 180 mm
- Weight : about 1.34 kg
- Recommended maximum oxygen flow 15 liters/minute