prisma20A APAP Therapy Device

With the help of Forced Oscillation Technique (FOT), prisma20A distinguishes between obstructive and central events. In response to events, prisma20A automatically provides continuous pressure adjustments tailored exactly to the patient‘s needs and thus delivers highly effective treatment. Equipped with the option of combining both CPAP and APAP modes with the comfortable pressure relief softPAP, prisma20A offers a high degree of therapy flexibility.
Manufacturer : Löwenstein Medical Technology
Country Origin : Germany
To rent or purchase, please dial +91 63096 57730 (or) 93934 50077
Major features:
- Identification of periodic breathing, RERA, snoring, hypopnea, apnea and flow limitation
- Continuous check of mask, automatic mask recognition and mask test
- High-resolution therapy data for 14 days and detailed statistics for 366 days
- With SD card and USB port, optional modem for telemedicine
- Eight clearly distinguished analog signals for PSG feed
- Digital prisma connection (DPC)
- Comfort functions such as softSTART and autoSTART-STOP
- Heated breathing tube prismaHYBERNITE
Technical data:
- Temperature range :
- Operation : +5 °C to +40 °C
- Storage : -25 °C to +70 °C
- Air pressure range : 700 – 1060 hPa
- Electrical output : max. 40 VA
- System interface : 12 V DC max. 10 VA
- Power consumption at : 230V
- Operation (therapy) : 0.11A
- Standby : 0.036A
- Alarms : leak and disconnection
- Mean sound pressure level : about 26.5 dB(A) at 10 hPa
- CPAP/APAP operating pressure range : 4 to 20 hPa
Additional Information:
- Dimensions (W x H x D) : 170 x 135 x 180 mm
- Weight : about 1.4 kg